HomeLight: Counseling for people experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles

The first step for homeless individuals and families working toward self-sufficiency is receiving support and counseling in a safe and compassionate environment. The HomeLight team at The Midnight Mission offers counseling services in Los Angeles that help families begin the healing process and set realistic goals for the future. After an in-depth needs assessment, families work closely with our experts to develop and implement a plan that addresses their unique challenges and goals.

Individual and Group Therapy

Every week, adults in our program receive one hour of individual therapy and participate in two mental health-oriented educational groups. These services are provided onsite by professionals who have extensive experience working with at-risk families, addressing issues of self-esteem, self-care, parenting skills, trauma, conflict management, and personal safety.

Counseling for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking

Focused counseling service for survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking is available immediately upon arrival.

Contact The Midnight Mission for More Information

Experiencing homelessness presents individuals and families with a unique set of challenges that requires comprehensive support in the form of shelter, physical and mental health resources, and continued care. Support our cause with a donation and help The Midnight Mission provide a path to self-sufficiency to men, women, and children who are struggling.

For more information: Email Ricardo Rosales or call 213.624.9258 x2100.