Saturday, May 11, 2019
Hollywood Park Casino
Celebrating the heart of a mother…
You are invited to celebrate the success of Homelight Family Living. On this day, we will honor mothers of the HomeLight program, past and present.
Featured Speaker: Eva Marcille
Other speakers will include sponsors, residents/clients, and celebrity supporters. A buffet brunch will be served.
Please join us as we raise awareness of HomeLight Family Living and honor these courageous mothers.
Presenting Sponsorship ($3,500)
Speaking role at the event
VIP seating for 5
Presenting sponsor acknowledgment on event promotional materials
Recognition on the event web page
Logo and/or name on the promotional banner at the event
Social media recognition before and after the event
Sponsorship mention in Mother’s Day press release
Full page ad on the inside front cover of event program
Brunch Sponsorship ($3,000)
Logo displayed in the brunch buffet room
Logo on event promotional communications
Logo and/or name on the promotional banner at the event
One table at the brunch event
Social media recognition before and after the event
Sponsorship mention in Mother’s Day press release
Name in Program Book
Event Sponsorship ($2,500)
Logo on event promotional communications
Logo and/or name on the promotional banner at the event
One table at the brunch event
Social media recognition before and after the event
Sponsorship mention in Mother’s Day press release
Name in Program Book
Table Sponsorship ($1,000)
One table at the brunch event
Sponsorship mention in Mother’s Day press release
Name in Program Book
The funds raised from our Mother’s Day Celebration will support HomeLight Family Living Program’s life-changing and life-saving services.